Spring Clean Your Life

As we move towards the end of lockdown (fingers crossed), with vaccinations going great guns and with the clocks moving forward next week, it definitely feels like Spring is in the air and things are getting better.  It’s a great time to think about how you’d like to move forward in your life after lockdown, particularly if you’ve been thinking about making changes.

The Spring Clean is a structured plan where together, we will tackle the areas where you want to make changes. We’ll first work through your life using the Wheel of Life tool to see where you're doing well, and which areas need a boost!

Then, based on that, we’ll take stock and take action. We’ll take stock of what's bothering you, those nagging 'shoulds' and frustrations - and see what you REALLY want to be doing both personally and professionally.

We’ll look at what’s zapping your energy and identify what’s draining you – and holding you back! That will give you more energy to focus on things you actually want to focus on. We’ll discover what’s draining you, identifying and exploring what's holding you back and why. De-clutter your life and free up energy to use for you - and your goals!

We’ll take steps to stop procrastinating and get things done! Have you got tasks hanging around that you need to clear out of the way? We have an exercise to help you find motivation or just take the edge off those unpleasant tasks we all have to do. Stop procrastinating - get it done - and feel fantastic!

We’ll also look at detoxing your relationships and boosting the relationships that support and energise you – to reduce time spent on toxic relationships that drain you!

As we conclude, we’ll look at creating your vision for the next 3 months and outline what you want to work towards.  We’ll identify daily success habits to support you in your goals and plans for 2021.

Come and work with me - have a comprehensive clear out and "Spring Clean" of your life, then set goals to make the most of the year ahead!

I'm so excited to work with you. Contact me at fiona@allverywell.co.uk. I'm waiting to hear from YOU!






It’s Mental Health Awareness Week


Time for a reset?