How can I help you?


Hello! I’m Fiona. I’m dedicated to unlocking your potential to feel confident, inspired and happy. 

Whether you’re feeling stuck, stressed out, or you just want to regain your confidence, I’m here to help. 

I also work with those at a crossroads in life, through redundancy, divorce or empty-nesting.

I’m a certified wellbeing coach and MCIPD HR Director. As a mum of four and with 30 years working in Human Resources at major UK organisations, I’ve gained a unique view on the demands of work, family, relationships and midlife transitions.

I’ve been through some difficult times, but I’ve learnt to thrive through my own challenges and I’d love to help you do the same. 

Together we’ll create a personalised plan for your life with my unique formula of well-being and career coaching.
— Fiona

Our work is bespoke to you, but it might include gaining clarity on your goals, understanding who you really are, your values and creating an actionable plan for you to move forward in positive ways. 

Working together, we’ll use proven strategies to create lasting change in your life.

We’ll create motivation, passion and accountability for you to help you define and achieve your goals.  

Here’s to your amazing life, starting today! Click below to arrange a free 30 minute discovery call.
— Fiona

A bit more about me ……

I have worked for many years in senior HR roles, latterly as HR Director for Northern Gas Networks in Leeds. I was also Head of People Resources at First Direct for a number of years. I have got a strong HR background across most disciplines and am used to operating at a strategic and operational level. I also ran my own consulting business, People Matters, for a number of years whilst my children were younger.

I left NGN in 2019 to focus on family issues and during that time, qualified as a Wellbeing coach. I am accredited through the Association for Coaching and the NHS Personal Care Institute. I have had a keen interest in coaching for a number of years, and have seen first hand the power of coaching to help people live their best life, at home and work. Through All Very Well, I am combining my many years of coaching in the workplace to offer career and wellbeing coaching - often there's a huge overlap in work influencing wellbeing and vice versa.

In addition, I am currently studying for another MSc in the Psychology and Neuroscience of Mental Health, and am really keen that my coaching is scientifically evidence based wherever possible.

All Very Well is about helping career minded, mid-life professionals - men and women who might be experiencing transition through empty nesting, career change, organisational change, relationship changes or who just feel 'stuck'. I also aim to support the people aspects of organisational change, by providing 1:1 support where it is needed. It’s also about supporting working mums, with the unique demands on mums’ time and emotions.

My children are growing up. They’re 22, 20, 18 and 13 now and are starting to fly the nest and make their own way in the world. I’m so proud of them. But I can still readily recall what it was like to have three children under the age of 4; and then 4 children aged 8 and under. And then we got a puppy when my youngest was 12 months old (not my idea) and then a pony and I don’t even like horses!!

It was tough and at times I felt completely overwhelmed.

And all the while I was trying to keep my career in HR going … I was loathe to give it up as I’d worked hard to get where I was. Sound familiar?

I wish I’d had tools and techniques to help me during this time …. tools to help me manage the stresses, give me support, someone to talk to, to stop the feelings of guilt.

But talking to someone else can really help …. especially someone who’s been there.

I specialise in helping clients just like you to:

  • Manage stress

  • Gain clarity on life goals

  • Thrive through career change, redundancy or furlough

  • Improve energy and boost happiness

  • Stay positive during difficult times like divorce

  • Regain confidence at work and at home

  • Live a purposeful, happy life filled with meaning

  • Improve their wellbeing and confidence

  • Have a renewed purpose and perspective after empty nesting

“Motivation comes from within — and I’m here to help you activate it.”

Ready to start your happy life?

I offer a free 30 minute consultation to get your started with your career and your wellbeing goals, click below to book in.

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Fiona’s work has helped me so much and I’m so thankful for all her support
— Client