Executive Career Coach Fiona Sweeting Yorkshire.png

Here’s to your career growth, starting today!

“I’m a certified career and wellbeing coach, and a MCIPD HR Director. As a mum of four and with 30 years working in Human Resources at major UK organisations, I’ve gained a unique view on the demands of work, family, relationships and midlife transitions. Get in touch today to find out how I can help your career to thrive.”

“Fiona helped me develop at work and is a great mentor. She has the kindest heart of anyone I’ve ever known”.

— Client


How will career coaching help me?

Each package is bespoke to your personal needs, but career coaching can help you to feel:

Motivated and driven, with a clear plan for your career.

✔ Like you have your own personal vision for where you want to go, one that aligns with your own values.

✔ Like you know your strengths and weaknesses, so you can overcome any roadblocks that may be coming up for you.

✔ That you have a clear sense of your current skills, so that you can move forward positively in your career or next role.


Career packages.

Career coaching is always bespoke to each client, and to give you an idea of what service I offer each client, please take a look at the packages below…



Here we’ll focus on one or two issues that you need to work on. For example, you might need help in:

  • Getting that promotion!

  • How to manage your boss

  • How to influences your colleagues and team mates when you’re not their boss!

  • Practicing your interview skills

  • Building your confidence at work

Usually in the Springboard package, clients have set a goal or identified an issue and they need help getting there.

EvolveThe Evolve career package takes in a more in depth issue for you that might be holding you back, for example:You’ve taken on a new role and you’re struggling to make the step upOR You want to progress but you’re struggling either to get an int…


The Evolve career package takes in a more in depth issue for you that might be holding you back, for example:

  • You’ve taken on a new role and you’re struggling to make the step up

  • OR You want to progress but you’re struggling either to get an interview, or are unsuccessful at interview

  • OR You need help in managing difficult team members

  • OR You’ve lost all confidence and self-esteem in the workplace and you need to find your mojo!


This is a full package of career coaching and is particularly suitable for parents who are re-entering the job market or mid-career professionals who want a change but are not sure what that change is…

For example:

  • You’re stuck in a rut and you’re unsure how to break free.

  • You know what you want to achieve in your career, but you have no definite, actionable plan on how to get there.

  • You want to make a career change, but you’re not sure what makes you really happy.

  • Your children might have flown the nest and now you want to work again in some form, but you’re not sure where to start.

  • You’ve been affected by redundancy and you’re not sure where to go next.

In the Transform coaching package, we will:

  • Find out what motivates and drives you

  • Identify your values and vision for the future

  • Profile your strengths and weaknesses, and assess your current skill sets

  • Use visioning and goal setting to help you decide which direction to take

  • Work out how you get there

  • Identify and overcome your barriers to change

I help clients like you to...

Manage stress, gain clarity on life goals, thrive through career change, redundancy or furlough…


Improve energy…

Boost happiness, stay positive during difficult times like divorce, regain confidence at work and at home…


Live a purposeful, happy life…

Improve wellbeing and confidence at work and home…


Live with renewed meaning…

and feel a renewed purpose and perspective in all aspects of your life.


How much does each package cost?

All prices are on application; this helps us to assess which programme is most suitable for your needs and give you the best value! I offer a FREE 30 minute consultation to get you started and make sure we’re right for each other! Please just email fiona@allverywell.co.uk to book in.

What’s expected of me?

As your coach, I ask that you attend your session on time, be focused on the session and be as open and honest as you can. Anything you say will be strictly confidential (unless there are legal or safeguarding issues), without judgement. The more open and honest you can be, the more progress we can make towards your dream career and working life!

Is there a cancellation policy?

I ask for at least 48hrs notice of a cancellation, otherwise the session may still be charged. Of course all circumstances will be taken into consideration and as much flexibility offered as possible. 

Where are the sessions held?

Sessions will be held over Zoom or in person in East Yorkshire.  Meetings can be held elsewhere in Yorkshire or London by agreement (extra costs may apply).

What do I need for our first session?

Just bring yourself and an open mind! I’ll ask you to complete and send me an initial questionnaire prior to your first appointment. A notepad and paper is often useful too to clarify your thoughts and the ideas we discuss.