It’s Mental Health Awareness Week

“To sit in the shade on a fine day, and look upon verdure is the most perfect refreshment.”

This was a quote by Jane Austen, long before the world became aware of the benefits of being in nature. Mental Health Awareness Week starts tomorrow and its theme is “Nature”.

Nature is central to our emotional and psychological wellbeing. We have become disconnected from nature over the last 50 years or so, compared to most of human history. But there are powerful benefits of nature as an aid to improve our mental health.

Being outside in green spaces has been scientifically proven to bring huge benefits to our immune system. Being in green spaces calms us from stress responses and strengthens us in fighting viruses. Microbes in the soil help to increase levels of seratonin, boosting our mood. And scientists think that breathing in phytoncides—airborne chemicals produced by plants, like the smell of pine trees—increases our levels of white blood cells, helping us fight off infections and diseases.

Being in the mountains, forests or around water exposes us to negative ions. These help regulate sleep patterns and mood, reduce stress, boost immune system function and increase metabolism of carbs and fats. All good!

So in this Mental Health Awareness Week, use the hashtag #ConnectWithNature and experience nature, share nature and talk about nature. Even better, include as many of your friends and family as possible to bring the benefits of nature to more people

Check out for tips on how to connect with nature to improve your mental health.


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