Time for a reset?

There’s hope on the horizon as we move towards the end of lockdown. Over the next few weeks and months, we’ll start to be able to do the things that we have missed over the last year.  We’ll all be getting back to ‘normal’ in some form.


But what if you don’t want to return to how things were? Of course, lockdown has been difficult for many people, dealing with financial stresses, worries about Covid 19 and being distant from friends and relatives. But it has also been a time to reflect. Which parts of lockdown were positive? Which bits of your old life do you want to ditch?  You may well have spent the last few months with a full house, juggling endless cooking and cries that ‘there’s no food’, (aka someone’s eaten all the biscuits/apples/ Twix), home schooling and dealing with ups and downs in emotions of other people.  Not to mention maybe keeping your own job going.


Now as we move towards Spring, it’s time to focus on you and your needs, your emotions.


One benefit of the last year – despite the juggling - is that it’s pulled us out of the frantic rushing of our lives and given us time to pause.  You might have had time to think about what you really want out of life, what your idea of ‘success’ is, what it means to you to live a meaningful life with purpose.  Or you might have absolutely no idea, but just know that your life isn’t as you want it to be.


Do any of these strike a chord?


You’ve started to question your work ….. it’s OK but you don’t really love it and you’d love to have the courage to change direction.


You feel like you’re always rushing and feel overwhelmed and stressed, but you haven’t really achieved anything.  


You feel stuck in a rut and want to make changes in your life, but you’re not sure how.


You’re at a crossroads either at work or in your personal or family life and you’re not sure what to do next.


You’ve got habits that you want to kick because they’re keeping you stuck, and ones that you want to start, but you can’t get going.

Is this you?  It often takes someone else to help you make the changes you need. Someone to help you make sense of where you’re trying to get to. Take the decision to reset and I’ll help you get there!

As Henry Kissinger said: ‘if you don’t know where you are going, every road will lead to nowhere’.


For more information or an informal discussion, please contact me at fiona@allverywell.co.uk     or DM me @allverywellcoaching

I’d love to hear from you!


Spring Clean Your Life


Working through lockdown - look after your mental wellbeing