How to be positive in 2021

Want to become more positive this year?

Research by the University of Stockholm* gives new insight on how we can be more successful in keeping New Year’s Resolutions. Perfect timing as we approach the end of a difficult 2020 for many people and look forward to 2021 with the optimism of a Covid vaccine and hope for a better year. Many people, me included, will be making resolutions for 2021 based on what we’ve learned in 2020.

Research has shown that rephrasing your resolutions can bring lasting change into your life.

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The Stockholm study distinguished between approach goals and avoidance goals. In the study, an ‘approach goal’ had the highest rate of success. This is a goal or resolution in which you try and adopt a new habit or start something new in your life. Resolutions that try to avoid or stop something – so called ‘avoidance goals’ - were less successful.

Scientists found that people are 12% more likely to stick to their resolution for a year if they avoided making resolutions such as “I will quit ..” or “I will avoid …” and instead said “I will start …”. So, in a really simple example, instead of resolving to give up chocolate, it’s better to resolve to eat more healthy snacks.

This might sound simple but it’s easy to forget how often the words we use can limit or hinder our progress towards a goal. Unintentional negative phasing can have a huge impact. Positive messaging, on the contrary, is hugely powerful.

Developing a positive attitude can change your life. When you think positively about what you want and how to get it, you feel happier and in greater control.

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So how can we be more positive?

Thinking positively is hugely helped by taking an optimistic attitude. Optimists are clear about their goals, focussed on what they want, look for ways to get there and confident that they will. And optimists have a habit – and it is a habit that can be learned – of looking for good in every situation, even if something goes wrong.

Optimists don’t blame someone or get upset in these situations - they seek the lesson in each setback.

Positive affirmations are also a great way to keep focussed …. I love using the ‘I Am’ app which pings me positive affirmations each morning. The ‘Clementine’ app is another which really helps in keeping positive.

The great news is that you can decide to be optimistic – to see the world as glass half full rather than glass half empty. And from there, you can start to build a more positive outlook. Positive self-talk can be difficult to start but with practice it becomes a habit and releases time and energy for dealing with life!

Happy 2021 and please do get in touch if you’re feeling ready to make some changes with me this year!


*Research published in the American Scientific Journal PLOS ONE in December 2020

Fiona’s approach is professional and caring. She understands the demands of corporate life and home life and really cares about your wellbeing and life goals.
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